Guys, did you know that your trendy short hairstyles actually make a statement about you? Diverse scientific studies that have been performed throughout the last five years indicate that hairstyles are a major factor in people’s first impression of an acquaintance. Before you adopt just any trendy short hairstyle, you may want to think about the image you’re projecting.

For example, ladies trendy short hairstyles with the front flipped back give a sexy, confident but also self-centered impression. So then you think, OK, I’d rather not look self-centered, so I’ll steer clear of that and go for the classic businesman’s cut. That’s the right hairstyle if you want to give the impression of wealth and intelligence; however, you may also be perceived as narrow-minded. You know, you can’t even think out of the box when it comes to hairstyles! All that said, you don’t need to spend inordinate amounts of time fussing over achieving the perfect hairstyle. Women are much more prone to evaluate your degree of attractiveness by your height or physique than by your hairstyle.

So, what about women? If you wear new trendy short hairstyles, you’re much more likely to be perceived as a successful steamroller, a go-getter. If you leave your hair longer and perfectly straight, you’ll be seen as the ideal counterpart for the front-flip hairstyle guy: sexy and rich. Do you wear your hair back in a ponytail? Some experts say this indicates sexual self-confidence.

Different ways of styling your hair also say a lot about your personal habits or character. Slightly disheveled hair that hasn’t been trimmed in a long time says, “I don’t really care.” Men and women who always appear with trendy short hairstyles indicate that they like to look up-to-date and don’t have time to waste. Women with long, styled hair – a hairstyle that’s obviously taken some time to elaborate – indicate that appearance and glamour are important to them. Sporty types that wear their hair in a quick, easy ponytail indicate that there are a lot more important things in life to them.

As ladies trendy short hairstyles come and go, so do our perceptions. Although our perceptions may seem fairly standard and unchangeable, it helps to recall that they’ve changed dramatically from century to century and from culture to culture. If you could have asked a medieval European what he thought about Paris Hilton’s suntan, for example, he would have told you she looked like a low-class field laborer:)

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ladies trendy short hairstyles

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